*7th bit : For which source do you want to change the
* 6th bit: Use a two part or one part channel. Most cases
just use 0 since it's ignored when using NTSC.
* 5th bit: Use 0 with NTSC since it can only use the phys-
ical channel number. Normally use 1 for ATSC since most
times it doesn't matter what the physical number is.
* 4th bit: Set to 0.
* 3-0 bits: Choose signal type.
* Tune Command Examples:
1. Tune to the analog (NTSC) cable channel 35.
Data 00 = Physical of 35 = 23
Data 01 & 02 = No Major = 00 00
Data 03 & 04 = No Minor = 00 00
Data 05 = 0000 0001 in binary = 01
Total = ma 00 23 00 00 00 00 01
2. Tune to the digital (ATSC) local channel 30-3.
Data 00 = Don't know Physical = 00
Data 01 & 02 = Major is 30 = 00 1E
Data 03 & 04 = Minor is 3 = 00 03
Data 05 = 0010 0010 in binary = 22
Total = ma 00 00 00 1E 00 03 22
21. Channel Add/Del (Command: m b)
To add and delete the channels.
Transmission [m] [b] [ ] [Set ID] [ ] [Data] [Cr]
Data 00: Channel Delete Data 01 : Channel Add
A_knoWiedgernenL [b][ ][Set ID][ ][0K/NG] [Data] [x]
22. Key (Command: m c)
To send IR remote control code.
Transmission[m] [€][] [Set ID][] [Data] [Cr]
See page 121.
Acknowledgement[c][] [Set ID][] [OK/NG] [Data] [x]
When TV is in the standby mode, TV will turn on by
POWER button of remote control only.
23. Backlight (Command: m g)
To adjust screen backlight.
Transmission[m] [g] [ ] [Set ID] [ ] [Data] [Cr]
Data Min:00 - Max:64 (*transmit by Hexadecimal code)
*Refer to 'Real data mapping'.
Acknowledgement[g][][SetlD][] [OK/NG] [Data] [x]
ACknoWledg_rnen![a][ ] [Set !D][] [OK] [DataO0] [DataO] ]
[Data02] [DataOS] [Data04] [x] [a][] [Set !D] ...........
[ ] [NG] [DataO0] [x]
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