Installer Menu (Cont.)
• IR Decode: Set to 0 (default) to allow the TV to process all IR
keys when a CEC device is connected to the TV. Set to 1 to
enable the TV to convert IR keys to CEC key code and pass to
the connected CEC device.
• Device ID: Set to 0 (default) to allow the TV to communicate
with all CEC devices. Set from 1 to 14 to restrict communication
to a single CEC device identied by its respective device ID.
• OP Standby: Set to 0 (default) to enable the TV to receive and
send CEC standby messages. Set to 1 to enable the TV only to
send CEC standby messages. Set to 2 to enable the TV only to
receive CEC standby messages. Set to 3 to disable receiving
and sending of CEC standby messages.
As with the Installer Menu in general, use the Up/Down arrow
keys to navigate between the submenu options and the Left/
Right arrow keys to select the desired value. Note that if any of
the three submenu options has a value that is not 0, you cannot
disable SIMPLINK.
Note: When both this item and item 042 AUTO INPUTS are
enabled in the Installer Menu, HDMI inputs will be detected by
SIMPLINK, but the Auto Input(s) Sensing Feature will not function.
Determines the Aux inputs for which auto-sensing is enabled. Set
to 0 to disable auto-sensing for all available inputs. Set to 255 to
enable auto-sensing for all available inputs. For information on
options for individual input settings, refer to Reference section,
“Auto Input(s) Sensing Feature.”
Note: In order for auto-sensing to be enabled for an input, that
input must also be enabled in the Installer Menu. For example, to
enable auto-sensing for HDMI 1, item 035 HDMI1 ENABLE must
also be set to 1 or 2. Also, see note above regarding TV operation
when both this item and item 041 SIMPLINK EN are enabled.
Note: When this item is enabled in the Installer Menu, item 093
RJP AVAILABLE is automatically set to 0.
046 - STRT AUX SRCE (Start Aux Source)
Sets the starting Aux source. When turned ON, the TV will tune to
starting Aux source if item 004 STRT CHANNEL is set to 0.
1 = Video 1 4 = RGB 7 = HDMI 3
3 = HDMI 1 5 = HDMI 2 255 = Last Aux
Note: Above is applicable only if all Aux sources are enabled.
Note: This item is not available in the Installer Menu unless item
004 STRT CHANNEL is set to 0.
Set to 1 for MPI Aux source to be reported as a channel number
instead of channel 0. Set to 0 to disable Aux identication change.
Controls MPI status channel response for Aux inputs.
053 - DIS. CH-TIME (Disable Channel-Time)
Set to 1 to disable the Channel-Time display; Channel-Time display
will not appear. Set to 0 to enable the Channel-Time display.
069 - EN. CH-T COL. (Enable Channel-Time Custom Color)
Set to 1 to enable custom color for the Channel-Time display. Set
to 0 to disable custom color for the Channel-Time display.
070 - FOR. CH-TIME (Channel-Time Display Foreground Color)
Set according to Color Chart:
0 = Black 3 = Cyan 6 = Yellow
1 = Blue 4 = Red 7 = White
2 = Green 5 = Violet
Note: If foreground color and background color are the same, the
menu background will be transparent.
Note: Applies only to “Channel Not Available” message if item
073 CH NOT AVBLE is set to 1 (enabled). Also, items 070 FOR.
CH-TIME and 071 BCK. CH-TIME are not available in the Installer
Menu when item 069 EN. CH-T COL. is set to 0.
071 - BCK. CH-TIME (Channel-Time Display Background Color)
See description for item 070 FOR. CH-TIME above. The color
chart is the same for both items.
073 - CH NOT AVBLE (Channel Not Available)
If set to 1 and item 028 CH. OVERIDE is set to 0, a “CHANNEL
NOT AVAILABLE” message is displayed when a user attempts to
direct tune a channel that is not included in the channel lineup.
Note: This item is not available in the Installer Menu when item
028 CH. OVERIDE is set to 1.
075 - REVERT CH (Revert to Start Channel)
If set to 1 and loss of MPI communication occurs, TV automatically
tunes to the specied Start Channel.
Note: This item is not available in the Installer Menu when item
004 STRT CHANNEL is set to 255.
078 - UPN MSB (UPN Most Signicant Byte)
User programmable number, most signicant byte readable by
MPI command. Note: Not linked to serial number.
079 - UPN MSB-1 (UPN Most Signicant Byte-1)
User programmable number, most signicant byte-1 readable by
MPI command. Note: Not linked to serial number.
080 - UPN MSB-2 (UPN Most Signicant Byte-2)
User programmable number, most signicant byte-2 readable by
MPI command. Note: Not linked to serial number.
081 - UPN LSB (UPN Least Signicant Byte)
User programmable number, least signicant byte readable by
MPI command. Note: Not linked to serial number.
082 - CHKSM ERROR (Checksum Error)
Enforces rigid MPI checksum validation. Set to 1 for validation.
Set to 0 to disable (does not check checksum on MPI async port).
SPI is always checked.