(Depending on
' DeSCription
Advance video technology that provides clearer, smoother images, even during fast action scenes
creating a more stable structure for a crisper picture.
TruMotion works with all inputs except PC mode.
If you enable "TruMotion", noise may appear on the screen. If this occurs, set "TruMotion" to "Off".
If you select "Picture Mode-Game ", set "TruMotion" to "Off".
High Provides smoother picture movement.
Low Provides smooth picture movement. Use this setting for standard use.
Off Turn off TruMotion operation.
user De-Judder: Adjusts noise of the screen.
De-Blur: Adjusts after-image of the screen.
SCREEN Customizes the PC display options.
LED Local
(Depending on
Resolution Selects a proper resolution when your PC uses 1024 X 768, 1280 X 768, or
1360 X 768 resolution.
Auto Configure Sets the TV to optimize the options automatically for the TV display.
Position Locates the image at the proper position.
Size Adjusts the image size.
Phase Eliminates horizontal streaking.
Reset Restores the options to the default setting.
After analysing the signal of the input video by areas of the screen, it adjusts the backlight to
improve the contrast ratio.
Oif--- Turn off LED Local Dimming operation.
Low Brightens the picture and deepens black levels using the soft Iocat dimming.
Medium Deepens black levels using the strong local dimming.
,High Clears the picture and deepens black levels using the strong Iocat dimming.
Backlight ( _ )
Adjusts the brightness of the screen by controlling the LCD backlight. If you decrease the
brightness level, the screen becomes darker and the power consumption will be reduced
without any video signal loss.
• Ifyou use the "Energy saving - Off, Minimum, Medium", Backtight will be available.
Increases or decreases the gradient of the video signal You may use Contrast when the
bright part of the picture is saturated.
Adjusts the base level of the signal in the picture.
Adjusts the levet of sharpness in the edges between the light and dark areas of the picture.
The lower the level, the softer the image.
Adjusts intensity of att cotors.
Adjusts the balance between red and green levels.
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