43 Auto Sleep f g 00H to 01H
44 Power On Delay f h 00H to 64H
45 Language f i 00H to 12H
46 DPM Select f j 00H to 01H
47 Reset f k 00H to 03H
48 Serial no. f y FFH
49 S / W Version f z FFH
50 Time 1(Years/ Months/ Days) f a Refer to ‘Time 1’
51 Time 2(Hours/ Minutes/Seconds) f x Refer to ‘Time 2’
52 Off Timer(Repeat mode/ Time) f e Refer to ‘Off Timer’
53 On Timer(Repeat Mode/ Time) f d Refer to ‘On Timer’
54 On Timer Input f u Refer to ‘On Timer Input’
55 H Position f q 00H to 64H
56 V Position f r 23H to 41H
57 H Size f s 00H to 64H
58 Input Select x b 20H to D0H
59 Color Temperature x u 00H to 64H
60 PC Power Control d t 00H to 01H
61 PC Power d s 00H to 01H
When using the product with a USB DivX player, all commands except for Power (k a), Key (m c),
Abnormal state (k z), Fan Fault check (d w), Elapsed time return (d l), Temperature value (d n), Lamp
fault Check (d p), Serial no.Check (f y), and S/W Version (f z) are not executed and handled as errors.
The ‘f f’ command which shows the status of a certain command does not display the OSD as the
result in order to be compatible with SuperSign program.