Problems Symptom Causes Checks Measures Remarks
Bad cooling Wrong Defective Step Motor Check Step Motor Check if Step Motor damper Reconnect lead
Refrigerator Damper. damper motor and motor and reed switch lead wire.
temperature. reed switch and lead wire are cut with a tester.
wire are cut. Check Refer to Step Motor damper Replace Step Motor
Step Motor damper in parts repair guide. damperor refrigerator
control box Assembly.
Check Step Motor Refer to Step Motor damper Replace relay or Refer to single
damper Motor driving in parts repair guide. PCB. motor damper
relay in PCB. driving circuits
in circuit
Foreign materials in Step
Check Step Motor damper Remove foreign
Motor damper baffles. baffle visually. materials.
Ice formation on Check if Step Motor damper Replace Step Motor
Step Motor damper Heater wire is cut with a
damper or refrigerator
baffles. tester. control Box Assembly.
Defective refrigerator Defective refrigerator Check the resistance of Replace refrigerator Refer to sensor
sensor sensor parts. refrigerator sensor with a tester. sensor. resistance
table in circuit
Refrigerator sensor is Check the sensor color in the Repair main PCB
substituted for other circuit. (main PCB sensor sensor housing.
sensor. housing.)
Defective refrigerator Check if refrigerator sensor Fix again the
sensor assembly is not fixed at cover sensor but refrigerator sensor.
condition. inner case visually.