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How to use
Auto reconnect
- If the HBS-700 is turned off (either accidentally or intentionally) while connected to
a handset, the headset and handset will disconnect. The headset and handset will
automatically reconnect when the HBS-700 is turned back on while in range.
Out of range
- If the paired Devices are separated by a range of 33 feet (10 meters) or more, the
headset and handset will disconnect.
- If the headset and handset do not automatically reconnect when they are back
within the required range, briefl y press the CALL button on the HBS-700 to
reconnect manually.
• The LED indicator will be Solid Blue
c) On the device you wish to pair, fi nd the bluetooth menu and “serch for” or
“add” new devices
d) Select “LG HBS-700” From the list of devices
e) If asked for a Pass/Pin Code enter 0000 (4 Zero’s)
f) Once pairing is complete you will hear a beep
• The HBS-700 will automatically turn off if not paired within 3 minutes.
2) Manual Pairing (Pairing with another phone or re-pairing)
a) With the Power off, press the CALL button and move the power switch to the
‘ON’ position at the same time for 4 seconds.
b) When the headset enters Pairing Mode, the LED indicator will show a solid
blue light. After the procedure repeat Easy Pairing steps c through f.
How to use
- In Multi-Connection mode, only one device can be used to make/receive calls,
and the other connected device can only be used for streaming Audio.
- To enter Multi-Connection mode:
1. Connect your HBS-700 to the device you wish to use for making calls.
2. Power off the HBS-700
3. Place your HBS-700 into pairing mode and pair/connect to a Bluetooth Stereo
enabled audio device (not your handset). (This Bluetooth Stereo enabled audio
device must only support the A2DP/AVRCP profi les, not the headset/hands-
free profi les)
4. Once the Bluetooth Stereo enabled device is paired and connected, press the
CALL button once briefl y on the HBS-700 to reconnect with the handset (only
the headset/hands-free profi le will connect).
5. The handset is now paired with the headset/hands-free profi le of the HBS-700.
The Bluetooth Stereo enabled audio device is paired with A2DP/AVRCP stereo
profi les.
Audio streaming
- Briefl y press the PLAY/PAUSE/STOP Button.
- While playing music, briefl y press the PLAY/PAUSE/STOP button.
- While playing music, press and hold the PLAY/PAUSE/STOP button for 1 second.
Next Song
- Briefl y press the FF button.
Previous song
- Briefl y press the REW button.
* NOTE: In order to access Multi-Connection mode, at least one of the two
devices you are trying to connect to the HBS-700 must be able to select
a profi le, OR one of the two devices must only support one profi le (Either
Headset/Hands-Free or A2DP/AVRCP). For example: Two handsets which
support both the Headset/Hands-Free and A2DP/AVRCP profi les cannot
be connected to the HBS-700 simultaneously. But, one handset supporting
Headset/Hands-Free/A2DP/AVRCP and a Bluetooth Stereo Dongle
supporting only A2DP/AVRCP is OK.