6. Communication Function
Table 6.2.4 Operand setting of STATUS command
Operand Contents Available area
Sl Slot number of FUEA to read information Integer from 0 to 7
St Other station number to read information M, P, K, L, F, T, C, D, #D
D Area of self station(10word) to store data which is read M, P, K, L, T, C, D, #D
SS Indication of link status information M, P, K, L, F, T, C, D
Table 6.2.6 Operand setting of RGET instruction
Operand Contents Available area
sl See Remark Integer (Hexadecimal)
St See Remark Integer (Hexadecimal)
D Area of self station to store data which is read M, P, K, L, T, C, D, #D
Internal memory area of special module in remote station
to read
n Number of data word to read Integer, D
SS Indication of link status information M, P, K, L, T, C, D, #D