
8. Highlighting to the desired field and pressing .
9. When finished, press Left Soft Key Done.
Speed Dials (Menu )
Allows you to set the speed dial keys for the
designated phone numbers.
1. Press Left Soft Key Menu.
2. Press Phone Book.
3. Press Speed Dials.
4. Either select the number you wish to speed dial,
or enter the number you want and press .
Groups (Menu )
Allows you to enter a new group, change the name
of a group, or delete a whole group.
1. Press Left Soft Key Menu.
2. Press Phone Book.
3. Press Groups.
4. Highlight the Group you wish to view and then
press .
5. To add a new group to the list, press Left Soft
Key Add; to delete a group or to change the
name, press Right Soft Key Options to select
Erase group or Edit title.
If you delete a group with contacts, the
contacts will be reverted to a "No Group" status.
PPhhoonnee BBooookk ((MMeennuu ))
List Entries (Menu )
Allows you to view the list of entries in Phone Book.
1. Press Left Soft Key Menu.
2. Press Phone Book.
3. Press List Entries.
4. Highlight the entry and to place a
call, press or press Right
Soft Key Options, for the
following options:
5.You may also register a new
phone number by pressing Left
Soft Key New.
New Entry (Menu )
Allows you to add a new number into Phone Book.
1. Press Left Soft Key Menu.
2. Press Phone Book.
3. Press New Entry.
4. Enter the number and press .
5. Select the label you want and press .
6. Enter the Name and press .
7. Select either Speed Dial or Voice Dial and press
or press Left Soft Key Done if you do not
want to add a Speed Dial or Voice Dial.