
Thank you for purchasing an LG color monitor. This monitor
supports OSD, DDC2B and Sound. It will give you high resolution
performance and operation in a variety of video operating modes. It is
compatible with standard PC type personal computers. The 15-inch
(13.8 inches viewable) flat Square Tube design is excellent for use in
a Windows or desktop publishing environment, where smaller screen
sizes result in images difficult to see easily. The anti-glare treatment is
easy on the eyes.
The microprocessor-based On Screen Display (OSD) controls allow
you to adjust a
variety of image controls, automatically storing up to
different video modes, including 6 pre-set modes.
For greater user health and safety, this monitor complies with the
Swedish Nutek MPR II requirements for low radiation emissions.
For low cost of monitor operation, this monitor is certified as meeting
the EPA Energy Star Requirements, and utilizes the VESA Display
Power Management Signalling (DPMS) protocol.
Please review this manual completely before operating the monitor.