
] Add Contact: This adds a new contact to the selected contact list, in the
meantime this searches contact on the basis of E-mail Address, First
Name, Last Name.
! Note The device only can support a maximum of 30 contacts and therefore
not all their contacts will be visible on the phone if they have more
than 30.
Delete List: This deletes the selected contact list.
] Blocked List: This list is the blocked contacts.
] Refresh List: This refreshes the presence information of the contacts
within the contact list.
] Settings: Please refer to the previous Settings Menu.
] Logout: This begins the Logout process.
When cursor is located on a Contact
] Chat/View: Chat will display a screen where conversation with selected
Contact can take place / View shows conversation of the contact which
conversation is already started.
] Set/Clear Alert: When the user sets this contact as “Set Alert”, if
presence information of the selected contact is changed to online from
offline afterwards, it alerts as the icon and sound.
] Block/Unblock Contact: This allows or blocks conversation with the
selected Contact.
] Add Contact: This adds a new contact to the selected contact list, in the
meantime this searches contact on the basis of E-mail Address, First
Name, Last Name.
] Delete Contact: This deletes the selected Contact.
Instant Messaging