
Commands Related with User Control
Auto Assign Address
1. Reset
(1) Send Command
(2) Reply from monitor
* No reply will be given for the "Reset" command.
* Set the checksum value to "00h" when adding all message contents.
* Wait about 50ms for a reply after issuing a command.
* Monitors assigned with an address will only respond and reply to commands that
specify its precise address.
* If no valid RS-232 command is received within three seconds, the command will
be reset.
01 23 4 5
Length Flag Address Command Value Checksum
06h 6Eh 00h F0h 00h
2. Assign Address
(1) Send Command
01 23 4 5
Length Flag Address Command Value Checksum
06h 6Eh 00h F2h xxh
(2) Reply from Monitor
01 23 4 5
Length Flag Address Command Value Checksum
6h 50h xxh F2h 00h
3. Presence Check
(1) Send Command
01 23 4 5
Length Flag Address Command Value Checksum
06h 6Eh xxh F7h 00h
(2) Reply from Monitor
01 23 4 5
Length Flag Address Command Value Checksum
06h 50h xxh F7h 00h
You can control several monitors at a time by connecting them to a single PC.