3. Referral
“Chef Bobby Flay’s producer, Mrs. Diana Goldfinger*, was
so impressed with the features of our IR that she
suggested setting up a meeting with you in order to
discuss how this technology could also benefit you and
your clients”
*fictional name
“Mr. Jolly was so excited with our IR that he insisted that
I, personally, give you a call and invite you over for a
personal review of our latest, most technologically
advanced unit”
“The Jones’ recently purchased our IR and suggested that
I call you to let you know that if you want to be on the
“in” you must purchase one of these fabulous units”
4. Question
“Are you looking for a new unit based on necessity or just
want to replace an older one?”
“Do you have many members of the family who use the
kitchen for uses other than just eating?”
“Are you looking for integration in order to incorporate
technology without sacrificing counter space?”
Function “Is there a specific feature that you are looking for in the
new unit?”
5. Survey
“May I ask you a few questions about the functionality of
your kitchen as it pertains to family and friends?”`
Generic “If you don’t mind, I would like to ask you a few
questions about your daily household activities in order
for me to get a better idea of what your needs are?”
Personal “I am going to ask you a few questions about you and
your family in order to assess how this unit will better
serve you and your needs, if you don’t mind”