Set Printer
6 - 3 PC Printing & Scanning
Font Number
Allows users to set various font numbers as listed below. Provides six internal
fonts that remain resident in the machine. They are listed in the following table
by number and size. The machine will use the selected font whenever your
computer does not send an override for a different font. This unit also accepts
download able fonts that are compatible with the HP PCL4 language that are
sent to the printer and then selected by your computer software. Memory
limitations can restrict the variety and size of the downloadable fonts.
Press the PROGRAM Key and scroll
through the menus until you reach the Set
Printer menu and press YES.
Press 4 or scroll down to the Font Number
menu and press YES.
Enter the number of the font you wish to
have as your default print font. Press YES
to accept this data into memory.
Font Definitions
Font Number Font Pitch Point Orientation
1 Courier 10 12 Portrait
2 Courier Bold 10 12 Portrait
3 Line Printer 16.6 8.5 Portrait
4 Courier 10 12 Landscape
5 Courier Bold 10 12 Landscape
6 Line Printer 16.6 8.5 Landscape
YES / or 1-8
Orientation: Portrait text prints across the width of the page.
Landscape text prints across the length of the page.
Pitch: Font pitch determines the number of characters printed per inch. A pitch of 12, for
example, means that 12 fixed width characters are printed in every inch.
Point Size: Indicates the height of a font. There are 72 points to an inch.
Line Number: Sets the number of text lines on a printed page. If your computer software sends
more lines than this setting, they print on a second page.
Print Fonts: Prints a list of resident fonts.
Paper Size: The size of the paper in the Second Paper Cassette Unit.