Convertible VConvertible Veg. Box eg. Box
When the door is opened, the warmer air can't incluence in theWhen the door is opened, the warmer air can't incluence in the
fresh zone. So you can store food more fresh in it.fresh zone. So you can store food more fresh in it.
Inserted convertible room must be placed at its position.Inserted convertible room must be placed at its position.
If door is opened, it can't fill the role of it.If door is opened, it can't fill the role of it.
How to useHow to use
Convertible Veg. Box can be used through the control of knob.Convertible Veg. Box can be used through the control of knob.
Check the position of knob prior to store the food.Check the position of knob prior to store the food.
Do not locate the knob on the middle point.Do not locate the knob on the middle point.
*In selected models only*In selected models only..
Refrigerator shouldRefrigerator should
be located properlybe located properly
in ventilated area.in ventilated area.
Levelling of refrigerator shouldLevelling of refrigerator should
be done with front leg.be done with front leg.
Refrigerator should be levelledRefrigerator should be levelled
with front to back inclination forwith front to back inclination for
Front LegFront Leg
Vitamin Vegetable Drawer (Optional)Vitamin Vegetable Drawer (Optional)
Vitamin KIT used to keep fruits more fresher.Vitamin KIT used to keep fruits more fresher.
Please try to keep the kit from getting wet as this wouldPlease try to keep the kit from getting wet as this would
decrease its effectiveness.decrease its effectiveness.
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Humidity Controller is for controlling the humidity inside the vegetable box.Humidity Controller is for controlling the humidity inside the vegetable box.
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Vitamin KITVitamin KIT