DLP Personal Projector
Display Size
Place the projector at the required distance from the screen according to the
desired picture size (see the table below). The effective display size is from 26 to
178 inches diagonally for RD-JT31 and from 33 to 228 inches diagonally for RD-
• RD-JT31 display size chart
• RD-JT30 display size chart
Display Size (Max.)
L. Projection
Distance (cm)
Display Size (Min.)
A. Width
C. Height
B. Width
D. Height
33.4 67.9 50.9 150 25.7 52.2 39.2
44.5 90.5 67.9 200 34.3 69.6 52.2
66.8 135.7 101.8 300 51.4 104.4 78.3
89.1 181.0 135.7 400 68.5 139.2 104.4
111.3 226.2 169.7 500 85.6 174.0 130.5
133.6 271.5 203.6 600 102.8 208.8 156.6
155.9 316.7 237.5 700 119.9 243.6 182.7
178.1 362.0 271.5 800 137.0 278.4 208.8
Display Size (Max.)
L. Projection
Distance (cm)
Display Size (Min.)
A. Width
C. Height
B. Width
D. Height
42.8 86.9 65.2 150 32.9 66.8 50.1
57.0 115.8 86.9 200 43.8 89.1 66.8
85.5 173.7 130.3 300 65.8 133.6 100.2
114.0 231.6 173.7 400 87.7 178.2 133.6
142.5 289.6 217.2 500 109.6 222.7 167.1
171.0 347.5 260.6 600 131.5 267.3 200.5
199.5 405.4 304.0 700 153.5 311.8 233.9
228.0 463.3 347.5 800 175.4 356.4 267.3
L Projection Distance