Figure 25
6.5.8 EasyWeather Legal Notes
• We reserve the right to delete or change any image whether or not purposely uploaded onto
the server by a user of the EasyWeather software products.
• The EasyWeather software products are protected by copyright laws and international
copyright treaties as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.
• You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the products.
7. Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
Absolute Barometric
Relative barometric pressure, corrected to sea-level. To compare
pressure conditions from one location to another, meteorologists correct
pressure to sea-level conditions. Because the air pressure decreases as
you rise in altitude, the sea-level corrected pressure (the pressure your
location would be at if located at sea-level) is generally higher than your
measured pressure.
Accuracy Accuracy is defined as the ability of a measurement to match the actual
value of the quantity being measured.
HectoPascals (hPa) Pressure units in SI (international system) units of measurement. Same
as millibars (1 hPa = 1 mbar)
Hygrometer A hygrometer is a device that measures relative humidity. Relative
humidity is a term used to describe the amount or percentage of water
vapor that exists in air.
Inches of Mercury (inHg) Pressure in Imperial units of measure.
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