Microprocessor Control
Selecting Setpoint/Setup from the Main Menu will display the following selections:
To view the SETUP OPERATION menu
1. Press the MENU key.
2. Use the up and down arrow keys to move to the SETUP OPERATIONS menu.
3. Press the ENTER key to enter into the menu.
4. Use the up and down arrow keys to move through the menu and view the setpoints.
5. Press the ENTER key to change a setpoint. (The control will ask for a service password if
passwords are enabled. Use the up and down arrow keys and ENTER key to enter the three-digit
password when prompted.)
6. Use the up and down arrow keys to change the setpoint.
7. Press ENTER to accept the new setpoint.
8. When finished, press the ESC key two to three times to return to the main display.
This is the time delay after which the control will attempt to restart the Liebert XDC after a loss of
power. It is programmable from 0.1-9.9 minutes in 6-second (0.1 minute) increments. The user can
also select NO. If NO is selected, the system WILL NOT automatically restart. The default is 0.1 min-
The user may select control and alarm parameters in either Celsius or Fahrenheit. The default is
degrees Fahrenheit.
The user may set a Pump Start Time Delay to ensure that refrigerant begins flowing when the pump
starts. If refrigerant does not begin flowing before the user-set delay expires, the pump will be turned
off (see PUMP OFF TD).
The user may set the pump wait time delay to prevent the pump from continuing to run when refrig-
erant is not flowing. If a pump is running normally and refrigerant flow is lost, the pump will stay on
for the specified amount of time trying to re-establish refrigerant flow. If refrigerant flow resumes
during the specified interval, the pump will continue operating. If the wait time expires and refriger-
ant flow has not resumed, the pump will shut down (see PUMP OFF TD).
None of these setpoints should be changed before consulting a Liebert representative.
Changing any of these setpoints could drastically affect the system.
Table 22 Setup operation functions default values and allowable ranges.
Menu Item Function Default Range
RESTART Restart time delay 0.1 min
0 to 9.9 min
(0 = manual restart)
C/F DEGREES Celsius or Fahrenheit F C or F
PUMP START TD Pump start time delay 10 sec 3 - 120 sec
PUMP WAIT TD Pump wait time delay 10 sec 3 - 120 sec
PUMP OFF TD Pump off time delay 5 sec 5 - 120 sec
LEAD PUMP Lead Pump Pump 1 Pump 1/Pump 2
DIPSWCH DIP switch status NA NA
Setpoints and system setup parameters are kept in non-volatile memory.