Add Extension Kit During Shed Assembly
1. Check contents of boxes and compare to parts listed on the Parts List.
2. Follow instructions that came with your shed, but when you come to the following sections of
your Owner’s Manual assemble the additional oor, wall, window and truss parts that are included
in this kit.
a. Add 30” to the site or platform length. (width will remain the same). This may require the
use of additional lumber or other materials.
Site Selection
Assemble Floor
a. Follow Owner’s Manual instructions to install the additional Inner Floor Panels (AE)
included in this kit, along with those that came with your shed.
a. Add the two Window Wall Panels (AH) from this kit to both sides of the shed.
Remember that Window Wall Panels can be inserted into any position on either side of the
Assemble Wall (Right or Left)
a. Follow Owner’s Manual instructions to assemble the windows in the Window Wall Panels
included in this kit, along with those that came with your shed.
Assemble Windows
Assemble Truss Frames
a. Follow Owner’s Manual instructions to assemble the Truss Frames included in this kit,
along with those that came with your shed.
Install Truss Assemblies
a. Follow Owner’s Manual instructions to install the Truss Frames included in this kit, along
with those that came with your shed.
Install Center Roof Sections
a. Follow Owner’s Manual instructions to install the additional Inner Roof Panels, Roof Caps
and Skylights included in this kit, along with those that came with your shed.