Ordering Information
Explanation of Catalog Number. Example: SS4S228120PG
Options & Accessories
Radio Interference Filter: 120, 277 or UNV volt, 50 or 60 Hz. Sufx: R
Ballast Options: For other ballast options, consult factory.
Materials: Chassis parts are die-formed heavy gauge cold rolled steel,1-3/8”
deep x 3 1/8” channel width.
Finish: Chassis exterior - phosphate undercoating, baked white acrylic
matte high reectance paint nish.
Specications (continued)
Electrical: Rapid start HPF, thermally protected class “P” ballast. (Bi-tube type)
If K.O.s are within 3” of ballast use wire suitable for at least 90˚.
Labels: Listed by
UNV = 120/277V
120 = 120V
277 = 277V
Sidemount Strip
Staggered Strip T5
2” wide x 1 3/8” deep
Lamp Conguration:
S = Single Fixture
Ballast Type
PG = Electronic T5 Program Start, Less than 10 THD
PI = Electronic T5 Instant Start, <10 THD
(14W, 21W or 28W only, no UNV voltage)
PF = LOLT5 Power Spec Dimming (1-Lamp 54 watt only)
Lamp Type:
( Nominal 22” )
14 = 14W T5
24 = 24W T5 HO
( Nominal 34” )
21= 21W T5
39 = 39W T5 HO
( Nominal 46” )
28 = 28W T5
54 = 54W T5 HO
Lamp Quantity:
2 = Nominal 22 1/2”
3 = Nominal 38 1/4”
4 = Nominal 50 1/4”
Staggered T5 Strip SS T5 Strip
Page 2 of 2 3 1/8” Wide 1 7/16” Deep Channel, 26 1/2”, 38 1/4” or 50” Lengths, 2 Lamp, T5
Model No. SS4S228120PG
Lightolier a Genlyte Thomas Company www.lightolier.com
Technical Information: (978) 657-7600 • Fax (978) 658-0595
631 Airport Road, Fall River, MA 02720 • (508) 679-8131 • Fax (508) 674-4710
We reserve the right to change details of design, materials and nish.
Copyright 2002 Lightolier
Section 3A / H120-19
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