Linksys E2100L Appendix B: How to Install and Access USB Storage
Advanced Wireless-N Router
3. Click Connect As.
Connect As button
Click Connect As
4. Enter your name and password. (For the admin
account, admin is both the default user name and
password.) Click OK.
Enter Name and Password
User accounts are set up on the Storage >
Administration screen; for more information, refer to
Storage > Administration, page 29.
5. The window should display Connected as: admin (or
whatever name you’ve connected with). The folders
that you have permission to view will be displayed.
Double-click a folder such as Public to open it.
Double-Click to Open
6. The selected folder will open. If the user name that
you logged in with is in the admin group, then you can
read/write to the folder. If the user name is a member
of the guest group, then you will only have read access.
Access Folder
User accounts are set up on the Storage >
Administration screen; for more information, refer to
Storage > Administration, page 29.