
Instant GigaCD Server
Input information under this tab to configure for Microsoft networking.
Workgroup This should match the name of your Workgroup. Users
in other workgroups will still be able to use the Instant GigaCD
Code Page Select the appropriate region within which you are
running the Server.
The options provided under the Utility heading are rarely needed and are not
required for normal operation. The Utility heading includes the following
Disk - For checking or fixing the file system.
Log File - For viewing the Instant GigaCD Server’s Log File.
Upgrade - For upgrading the Instant GigaCD Server’s Firmware.
On this tab, you can check the Server’s hard disk for any errors.
EtherFast Series
Enable DHCP Server When enabled, the Server will provide IP
Addresses and related data to other, networked PCs upon request.
To use this feature, the PCs in Your Network must be configured
as DHCP Clients. If enabled, you should enter at least one DNS
(Domain Name Server) value on the DNS tab.
Note: Never enable this if you already have a DHCP Server in
Your Network.
Start IP Address Enter into this field the first number in the
range of IP Addresses in Your Network to be allocated by the
DHCP Server. This number must be between one and 254.
Finish IP Address Enter into this field the last number in the
range of IP Addresses in Your Network to be allocated by the
DHCP Server. The range should be large enough to cover all the
possible DHCP Clients.
A DNS (Domain Name Server) translates names (e.g. Linksys.com) to IP
Addresses. You will only need to enter information under this tab if using the
Server as a DHCP Server or using the E-Mail notification feature on page 15.
Enter the IP Address of the Server under DNS IP Address [1]. The other
fields are optional and will be utilized if the first DNS is not available.