Chapter 5: Configuring the Router
The Voice Tab - Line1 Settings
Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Call Forward Settings
Cfwd All Dest. If you want to forward all calls to a specific telephone number, then complete this field. Enter the
number that will receive all phone calls.
Cfwd Busy Dest. If your phone is busy, then you can forward incoming phone calls to a specific telephone
number. Enter the number that will receive phone calls when your phone is busy.
Cfwd No Ans Dest. If you are not answering your phone, then you can forward incoming phone calls to a specific
telephone number. Enter the number that will receive phone calls when there is no answer from your phone.
Cfwd No Ans Delay. If you are not answering your phone, then you can forward incoming phone calls to another
phone number after a specific period of time. In the field provided, enter the number of seconds you want your
phone to ring before the call is forwarded to the telephone number you specified in the Cfwd No Ans Dest field.
Speed Dial Settings
Speed Dial 2-9. In each field, enter the phone number that you want to assign to the corresponding number on
your phone’s keypad.
Supplementary Service Settings
Call Waiting. If you want to enable call waiting for all calls, keep the default, Yes. Otherwise, select No.
Block Caller ID. If you want to block caller ID for all calls, select Yes. Otherwise, keep the default, No.
Caller ID. If you want to use caller ID, keep the default, Yes. Otherwise, select No.
Do Not Disturb. If you do not wish to be disturbed, select Yes. Otherwise, keep the default, No.
Call Waiting Caller ID. If you want to enable caller ID for all phone calls using call waiting, then keep the default,
Yes. Otherwise, select No.
Distinctive Ring. If you want to use distinctive ring tones for specific caller numbers, select Yes. Otherwise, keep
the default, No.
Distinctive Ring Settings
Ring 1-8 Caller. You can assign a caller number to a distinctive ring and call waiting tone. In each field, enter the
caller number that you want to activate the corresponding distinctive ring and call waiting tone.