Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless-G ADSL Home Gateway
The Setup Tab
Wireless-G ADSL Home Gateway
• Select set number. Select the number of the static route from the drop-down menu. The Gateway
supports up to 20 static route entries. If you need to delete a route, then select the entry and click the
Delete This Entry button.
• Destination IP Address. The Destination IP Address is the address of the remote network or host to which
you want to assign a static route. Enter the IP address of the host for which you wish to create a static
route. If you are building a route to an entire network, be sure that the network portion of the IP address is
set to 0.
• Subnet Mask. Enter the Subnet Mask (also known as the Network Mask), which determines which portion
of an IP address is the network portion, and which portion is the host portion.
• Gateway. Enter the IP address of the gateway device that allows for contact between the Gateway and the
remote network or host.
• Hop Count. Hop Count is the number of hops to each node until the destination is reached (16 hops
maximum). Enter the Hop Count in the field provided.
• Show Routing Table. Click the Show Routing Table button to open a screen displaying how data is routed
through your local network. For each route, the Destination LAN IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, and
Interface are displayed. Click the Refresh button to update the information. Click the Close button to return to
the previous screen.
When finished making your changes on this tab, click the Save Settings button to save these changes, or click
the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes.
Figure 5-13: Routing Table