Chapter 5: Connecting the Wireless-B Media Link for Music to Your Audio System
Using the LCD Menus to Set up the Media Link
Wireless-B Media Link for Music
To change the Media Link’s wireless settings, select Wireless. You have four choices: SSID, Network Type,
Encryption, and Site Survey.
The Media Link’s default SSID is any. If you want to change its default SSID, select SSID. Use the arrow keys to
scroll through the uppercase alphabet, lowercase alphabet, numbers, and punctuation. To make a selection,
press the Select button. Press the right arrow button to save your new setting. Press the left arrow button to
cancel your change.
Network Type
If you want to change the wireless network type, select Network Type. If your network uses infrastructure mode,
then select Infrastructure. If your network uses ad-hoc mode, then select Ad-Hoc. Your selection will be
denoted by a bracketed asterisk, [*]. Press the right arrow button to save your new setting. Press the left arrow
button to cancel your change.
Figure 5-16: Network Type Screen
Figure 5-15: SSID Screen
SSID: your wireless network’s name.
Infrastructure: configuration in which a
wireless network is bridged to a wired network
via an access point.
Figure 5-14: Wireless Screen
Ad-hoc: a group of wireless devices
communicating directly with each other (peer-
to-peer) without the use of an access point.