
Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless-G Broadband Router
The Applications and Gaming Tab - QoS
Wireless-G Broadband Router with SpeedBooster
Enable. To disable this feature, select Disable. Ethernet Port Priority QoS does not require support from your ISP
because the prioritized ports LAN ports 1-4 are in your network.
Application Port Priority
Application Port Priority QoS manages information as it is transmitted and received. Depending on the settings of
the QoS screen, this feature will assign information a high or low priority for the applications that you specify.
Application Name. Enter the name you wish to give the application in the Application Name field.
Priority. Select High or Low to assign priority to the application.
Specific Port #. Enter the port number for the application.
Optimize Gaming Applications. Select this to automatically allow common game application ports to have a
higher priority. These games include, but are not limited to: Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Age of Empires, Everquest,
Quake2/Quake3 and Diablo II, etc. The default setting is unselected.
Wireless QoS
WMM Support. Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM), formerly known as Wireless Multimedia Extensions (WME), is a Wi-Fi
Alliance certified feature, based on the IEEE 802.11e draft standard. This feature provides QoS to wireless
networks. It is especially suitable for voice, music and video applications; for example, Voice over IP (VoIP), video
streaming, and interactive gaming. If you have other devices on your wireless network that support WMM, select
Enabled. Otherwise, keep the default, Disabled.
No Acknowledgement. This feature prevents the Router from re-sending data if an error occurs. To use this
feature, select Enabled. Otherwise, keep the default setting, Disabled.
Change these settings as described here and click the Save Settings button to apply your changes or Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.