The BASIK is designed for a long operational life. To preserve the appearance and maintain the performance of
your dock, you should note the following points:
OUTER PLATTER Clean with a soft, dry cloth. DO NOT use any abrasive cleaner as this will remove the
protective lacquer and cause corrosion.
MAT The felt mat can be cleaned with masking tape.
MOTOR The motor pulley should be cleaned periodically. Remove the outer platter and belt,
and gently clean with a cloth impregnated with isopropyl alcohol or other non-residue
PLINTH This can be cleaned with a light duster or slightly damp cloth - make sure the
stylus guard is in place before you start. If you have to remove an oil slain from the
plinth, use a soft cloth and solvent.
OIL The oil supplied for the bearing provides life-long protection. If the oil is lost from
the bearing housing it must only be replaced by factory-supplied oil which is available
from your Linn dealer. The turntable should never be operated without oil.
LID The best method is to remove any dust with a damp cloth without any rubbing action
and then use a soft duster. Lids are more often damaged by cleaning than in use.