● click triggerpoints: The 4 triggerpoints within the tooltuner dial groove. Triggerpoints labeled I, III and the circle
and square buttons are click triggerpoints.
● touch triggerpoint: The single button located in the center labeled triggerpoint II.
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Placing the device on the desk
The NuLOOQ navigator is not a mouse, but rather works with your mouse, trackball or tablet and keyboard. If you use
your mouse or tablet with the right hand, the NuLOOQ navigator should be placed on the left hand side. And vice versa if
you use your mouse or tablet on the left hand side. Picture below is an example of how NuLOOQ navigator is used on the
left hand and the mouse on the right hand.
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Properly holding the NuLOOQ navigator
The NuLOOQ navigator is composed of a moveable ring, called the navring and also a touch sensitive surface located on
top of the device called the tooltuner dial or tooltuner. The most practical way to hold the device is to gently place your
thumb and middle or index finger on the gray ring and rest your arm on its side next to the navigator. This allows you to
move the navring as well as the tooltuner dial with minimal hand movement. See picture below for an example of the left
hand can be placed on the NuLOOQ navigator. We don't recommend placing your hand over the top the device as that