----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section Updated: 1/10/2008 6:49 AM at http://www.lotus-europa.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This Workshop Manual, which is in loose-leaf form for easy amendment, has been compiled to assist Lotus
Dealers throughout the world in the efficient repair and maintenance of the Lotus Europa models.
The various units and systems of the vehicle are dealt with in sections which are listed on page 5, each
being distinguished by a reference letter, this letter being the same as is used in other service publications (i.e.,
A -- chassis in Parts Lists and in the Labour Schedule). Each section thus referred to opens with a contents page
so that any particular operation can be easily located.
Service Information
Design changes, product improvements or changes in procedure subsequent to the publishing of this
manual are given in Service/Parts Bulletins, which are issued regularly to all authorised Lotus Dealers. Should
existing instructions be affected or additional information be needed, new pages to this manual will be issued to
Lotus Dealers when convenient.
To ensure the manual is kept up-to-date, write the Bulletin number, the section and page number it
affects and the subject matter in the space provided on page 8.
Technical Data
Comprehensive information regarding dimensions, tolerances, weights and torque loading figures of all
nuts and bolts are given on page commencing 9.
Recommended Lubrication and Maintenance
Attention is drawn to Section 'O' of this manual for the Factory approved recommended lubricants and
intervals of Periodical Maintenance.
Frost Precautions
Attention is drawn to the recommendations given in Section 'K' (Cooling System) of this manual on the
importance of taking proper precautions against damage by frost.
Paint and Body Protection
When work is carried out on any part of the car where damage could be caused to the paint and body, i.e.
working on the engine, or removing the windscreen, it is recommended that body protection covers be used.