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GoFree wireless
With a WIFI-1 unit connected to an HDS unit you can use a wireless
device to view or remotely control the HDS display. Displaying HDS
data on a wireless device requires a corresponding app. Please
check the appropriate Apple or Android store for your device.
¼ Note: In this document we have used the term wireless devices,
and graphics from iPad and App Store are used as examples. The
wireless functionality, however, is provided for other vendor’s tablets
or smartphones. Tablets can be used for viewing and controlling the
HDS unit when relevant apps are available. Smartphones can only
be used as an HDS viewer.
¼ Note: Installation and wiring for the WIFI-1 unit is described in the
separate WIFI-1 Installation Guide.
¼ Note: GoFree wireless is not compatible with HDS Gen1 units. If
an HDS Gen1 unit is on the same network as a GoFree module,
networking will no longer be functional.
Setting HDS device name
You will only need to change your unit’s name when HDS units on
the network have the same default device name.
Setting up the WIFI-1
Connect the WIFI-1 unit to the HDS unit with the Ethernet cable
supplied with the WIFI-1 unit
- The WIFI-1 access point will now be listed in the HDS
Network menu