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Waypoints, Routes & Trails | Lowrance HDS Gen2 Touch
Autorouting and Easy Routing (Non-Americas units only)
Navionics Autorouting and Jeppesen Easy Routing features
make creating a route faster and easier. Both routing features can
automatically create routes using user-selected route points.
Routes can be created in Entire Route mode or Selection mode. Entire
Route mode creates a completely new route. Selection mode creates
a new route from two or more route points of an existing route.
¼ NOTE: HDS units designed for sale in the Americas region will not
have Autorouting or Easy Routing capabilities. Autorouting and Easy
Routing features are disabled on all non-Americas units when used in
US territorial waters.
¼ Note: Compatible cartography includes Jeppesen CMAP MAX-N+,
Naviconics+, Navionics Updates and Navionics Platinum.
Boat setup
The boat draught, beam (width) and height must be input to use
Autorouting/Easy Routing features. Access the Boat settings dialog
from the Chart settings menu to complete Boat Setup.