This GPS receiver gives you the ability to create your own database of
locations, called “waypoints’. You can save your present position, cursor
position, or enter a coordinate and save it as a waypoint. For example,
you may wish to store the location of your parked car as a waypoint be-
fore starting on a hike. When you want to return to the car, all you have to
do is recall the waypoint and the unit will show distance and bearing from
your present position to the car. This unit will store up to 250 waypoints.
Waypoint Menu
With few exceptions, in order to save, modify, or recall
a waypoint, you will use the waypoint menu, shown at
right. The current waypoint number shows at the top of
the screen. Its name appears near the center of the
screen, right above its position. Beneath this is the dis-
tance and bearing from your present position to the
waypoint. It’s icon shows just to the right of the dis-
tance and bearing. The date and time the waypoint was
saved is at the bottom of this screen. In short, all of the
detail about the waypoint shows on this screen.
Saving Your Present Position as a Waypoint (Quick Save Method)
To save your present position, simply press the WPT
key twice. Your current position is placed into the first
available waypoint number on the list. A message ap-
pears on the display telling you the waypoint number it
just used. This also momentarily places you in the way-
point menu. Anytime this menu is showing, simply press
the WPT key once and the unit will store your present
position on the waypoint list.
Every time you save a waypoint, the date and time are
logged along with the position data. It’s icon is also
placed on the plotter as shown above. In this case, waypoint number one
was assigned when the position was saved.