The Zoom In and Zoom Out keys zoom the map to enlarge or reduce its
coverage area and the amount of mapping detail shown. There are 39
available map zoom ranges, from 0.02 miles to 4,000 miles.
Map Page opening screen (left). Zoomed to 100 miles (center) and
zoomed to 10 miles (right). Over Zoomed means you have reached the
detail limits in an area covered only by the basic background map.
Zooming in any closer will reveal no more map details because a high-
detail custom map has not been loaded on the MMC for this area.
If you're using only the factory-loaded background map, the maximum
zoom range for showing additional map detail is 20 miles. You can con-
tinue to zoom in closer, but the map will simply be enlarged without
revealing more map content (except for a few major city streets.) Load
your own high-detail custom map made with MapCreate (or a pre-made
FreedomMap from LEI), and you can zoom in to 0.02 miles with mas-
sive amounts of accurate map detail.
Map Pages with high-detail MapCreate map of an urban area loaded
on the MMC. Arterial streets appear at the 4-mile zoom range (left) with
a few Point of Interest icons visible. Numerous dots
representing Points of Interest are visible at the 2-mile range (center),
along with minor streets. At the 0.4-mile zoom (right), you can see an
interstate highway with an exit, major and minor streets as well
as Point of Interest icons.