The direct cable connection, shown in the preceding and following im-
ages, is a Y-shaped cable that includes the following: a line-in connector
that plugs into your stereo; a power plug that attaches to the power
socket on the back of your iWAY; and red and black wires that connect
directly to your car's power supply.
The Auxiliary Line cable used to attach the iWAY to your car's stereo.
To install the Auxiliary Line cable, follow these steps:
1. Consult your car stereo's instructions to see if the stereo has an aux-
iliary line input. Most newer model cars come with stereos featuring
auxiliary line inputs, as well as most new stereo installations you can
purchase at any consumer electronics store.
"Wireless" FM modulator connections are available for vehicles that
don't have auxiliary inputs, but you will notice slightly lower audio
quality. The FM modulator transmits the music to your car's FM
radio. Hardcore audio connoisseurs will notice the decline, but to
many customers the sound quality of an FM modulator connection
is equal to that of listening to an FM radio station. To use an FM
modulator, plug its input into the headphones socket on the side of
the power cable's speaker, and follow the modulator's instructions
for tuning your car's radio. FM modulators can be found at most
consumer electronics stores.
When connecting the iWAY to your car stereo, a ground loop isola-
tor may be needed to eliminate electrical interference noise in your
system, especially in FM modulator installations. If you hear a