
When the iFINDER is in Sleep Mode, you can return to normal operation
by pressing
A waypoint is an electronic address, based on the latitude and longi-
tude of a position on the earth. It represents a location, spot or destina-
tion that can be stored in memory then recalled and used later for
navigation purposes. You can create a waypoint at the cursor position
on the map or at your current position while you are navigating.
Create a Waypoint
These techniques use the Quick Save method, the fastest and easiest
way to create a waypoint.
Create Waypoint on Map
1. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to a place where you want to
make a waypoint.
2. Press
ENT|ENT. The waypoint is saved and automatically given a
name with a sequential number, like waypoint 001. The waypoint sym-
bol and number appear on the map.
Create Waypoint at Current Position
1. While you are traveling, press ENT|ENT. The waypoint is saved and
automatically given a name with a sequential number, like waypoint
002. The waypoint symbol and number appear on the map.
Create a Man Overboard Waypoint
This unit has a man overboard feature that shows navigation data to
the location where the feature was activated. To activate it, press the
ZOUT and ZIN keys at the same time. Your position at the time these
keys are pressed is used as the man overboard position. The unit auto-
matically begins navigating to the MOB waypoint. For more details,
see the Man Overboard entry in the Easy Mode Operation section.
Create a Waypoint by Average Position
This feature sets a waypoint at the current position after averaging
several readings. It boosts waypoint position accuracy by helping to
eliminate errors caused by atmospheric conditions and other factors.
1. Press
ENT| to AVERAGE POSITION|ENT. Create will be highlighted, so
2. Wait while the unit takes points to average for the position. The greater
the number of points, the greater the accuracy. When the desired number
of points accumulates, press
ENT to create and save a waypoint.
3. The Waypoint information window appear. Go To will be highlighted
at the bottom of the window. If you want to edit the waypoint, use the