
Group F
This screen shows your present position (POSITION),
bearing (BRG), distance to go (DIS), track (TRK), and
ground speed (GS).
Group G
The group I screen shows DGPS information. There
must be a DGPS receiver connected to the unit in or-
der to use this screen.
The DGPS corrections at the top of the screen shows
a list of the satellites in view. The satellite’s number is
follow by an identifier showing its status. They are as
OK DGPS corrections are in use by GPS receiver and corrections
are available.
OLD Unit hasn’t received corrections in last 60
NA No correction available.
The DGPS station’s ID number, frequency, bit rate, signal strength, signal
to noise ratio (SNR), and time since the GPS receiver received the satel-
lite corrections (AGE) all show at the bottom of this screen.
Group H
This is a time screen. An analog clock shows at the
top, followed by a digital clock showing your local time.
The clock’s alarm setting shows in this window, also.
UTC time shows at the bottom of this screen. (UTC is
the time at the prime meridian. It used to be called GMT.)
To set the clock alarm, first press the MENU key, then