The LMS-160 has three different sonar modes:
full chart (sonar 1), split-chart (sonar 2), and so-
nar with digital information (sonar 3). To select a
mode, first press the PAGES key. Press the up
or down arrow key to select sonar modes, then
press the left or right arrow key to select the de-
sired mode. Press the EXIT key to erase the
modes menu.
Full Chart
This is the default mode used when the unit is first turned on (shown
above). The bottom signal scrolls across the screen from right to left. Depth
scales on the right side of the screen makes it easy to determine the
depth of fish, structure, and other objects. The line at the top of the screen
represents the surface. The bottom depth shows at the top left corner of
the screen. The word “AUTO” at the screen’s top center shows that it’s in
the automatic mode, freeing you from sensitivity, range, and noise rejec-
tion adjustments.
Split Chart
A split chart shows the underwater world from
the surface to the bottom on the right side of the
screen. The left side shows an enlarged version
of the right side. The zoom range shows at the
bottom of the screen. In this example, the zoom
range is 2X, or two times the right side’s view.
The digital/chart shows the chart on the left side
of the screen. The right side has six digital boxes
containing the water depth at the top of the
screen, boat speed, surface water temperature,
temperature #2, waypoint number with direction
arrow, and CDI. (Note: Boat speed, distance, and
temperature require an optional speed/tempera-
ture sensor. Temperature #2 requires an addi-
tional temperature sensor.)