The box with the “S” in it was your starting location when the waypoint
was recalled. The dotted line is called a course line and is the shortest
path from the starting location to the destination. The “D” is the cursor
destination, when the cursor position is used as a destination. If you fol-
low the course line, you’ll reach the destination, covering the shortest
distance in the least time.
This product does NOT take land features or any other feature into ac-
count when it projects the course line on the screen. Use caution when
navigating to a location. Make certain there are no obstructions in your
One of boating’s most terrifying events is having a friend or family mem-
ber fall overboard. This situation can be deadly on any body of water -
fresh or salt. It’s particularly dangerous at night or if you’re out of sight of
land. Of course, the first thing to do is remain calm and try all standard
safety measures to try and rescue the person.
This unit has a man overboard
feature that shows navigation
data to the location you were in
when the feature was activated.
To activate it, press the ZOUT
and ZIN keys at the same time.
Your position at the time these
keys are pressed is used as the
man overboard position. A screen
similar to the one at right appears.
The steering screen shows a graphical view of your position (shown by
the black arrow in the center of
the compass rose) and the posi-
tion of the man overboard (shown
by the small circle).
The man overboard position is
also stored in the waypoint table
for future reference. It can be ed-
ited the same as any waypoint.
This prevents the inadvertent loss
of the current Man Overboard