POI information screen on fast food restaurant nearest this position.
Screen shows name, street address, phone number, latitude/longitude,
distance to restaurant and its compass bearing. Figure at left shows
Go To Waypoint command; right figure shows Find On Map command.
Map screen showing Finding Waypoint,
the result of a restaurant search.
Set a Waypoint
A waypoint is simply an electronic "address," based on the latitude and
longitude of a position on the earth. A waypoint represents a location,
spot or destination that can be stored in memory, then be recalled and
used later on for navigation purposes.
You can create a waypoint at the cursor position on the map, or at your
current position while you are navigating. You can create a waypoint at
any location by manually entering the position's latitude and longitude.
You can copy waypoints from your unit to your personal computer with
MapCreate software. When you want to repeat a trip, these archived
waypoints can be reloaded into your GPS unit.