Symbol is described in Sec. 4.) After you have changed a waypoint
symbol, the unit will remember the one you chose and use it the
next time you save a waypoint. To revert back to the default sym-
bol, edit a waypoint and choose the original symbol, or use the Re-
set Options command (described in Sec. 5).
Create Waypoint on Map
1. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor crosshairss to the place where
you want to make a waypoint.
2. Press
WPT|WPT. The waypoint is saved and automatically given a
name with a sequential number, like "waypoint 001." The waypoint
symbol and number appear on the map.
Navigate To a Waypoint
You can select any waypoint visible on the Map Page with the cursor,
then use the Navigate to Cursor command (we'll describe how later in
this section.) However, you can avoid scrolling the map to pick your
waypoint if you use the Find Waypoint commands:
1. Press
WPT|→ to SAVED|ENT. To look up the nearest waypoint, press
↓ to
NEAREST|ENT; or, to look by name (and scroll through the entire
waypoint list), press
ENT. For this example, let's look by name.
2. If your waypoint list is a long one, you can spell out the waypoint name
in the
FIND BY NAME box to search for it. (Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first
character, then press → to move the cursor to the next character and re-
peat until the name is correct, then press
ENT to jump to the list below.)
3. If the list is short, you can jump directly to the
FIND IN LIST box by press-
ENT. Use ↑ or ↓ to select the waypoint name, press ENT and the way-
point information screen appears with the
GO TO command selected.
4. To begin navigating to the waypoint, press
Navigation Page, navigating toward waypoint 004 and leaving a trail.
Trail line
Course line
Off course
range, set at
0.20 mile