In the example above, the driver is headed north (a 355º track) toward a way-
point 355º (bearing) away. The cross track error range (white corridor) is 0.20
miles either side of the course. The driver is headed toward trail waypoint 4,
which is 0.14 miles away. The vehicle is virtually on course (off course 1 foot to
the right). Traveling at a speed of 27 mph, the driver will arrive at the way-
point in 19 seconds.
The Navigation Page has its own menu, which is used for some advanced func-
tions and for setting various options (Options and setup are discussed in Sec. 5.).
To access the Navigation Page Menu, from the Navigation Page, press
Map Page
The Map Page screens show your course and track from a "bird's-eye" view. By
default, this unit shows the map with north always at the top of the screen
(This can be changed. See the topic Map Orientation, in Sec. 5.). If you're navi-
gating to a waypoint, the map also shows your starting location, present posi-
tion, course line and destination. You don't have to navigate to a waypoint,
however, to use the map.
Map Page is the default screen that appears when you turn on the unit. To get
to the Map Page from another page: Press
PAGES| → or ← to MAP|EXIT. When
the Map Page is displayed, a screen similar to the following figures appears.
The arrow in the center of the screen is your present position. It points
in the direction you're traveling. The solid line extending from the back
of the arrow is your plot trail, or path you've taken.
The map zoom range is the distance across the screen. This number shows
in the lower right corner of the screen.
In the first example below, the range is 4,000 miles from the left edge of the
map to the right edge of the map.
The Zoom In and Zoom Out keys enlarge or reduce the map's coverage
area and the amount of mapping detail shown. There are 37 available
map zoom ranges, from 0.05 miles to 4,000 miles.
Map Page opening screen (left). Zoomed to 100 miles (center) and
zoomed to 15 miles (right). Over Zoomed means you have reached the
detail limits in an area covered only by the basic background map.
Zooming in any closer will reveal no more map details because a high-
detail custom map has not been loaded on the MMC.