For more on navigating to a waypoint, see the topic "Navigate to a
Waypoint in Section 4, Advanced Mode Operation.
Scout Plots
The Scout Plot feature lets you map your own hunting areas. A scout
plot is a type of GPS data you can record that includes an area perime-
ter or boundary along with waypoints that mark game sign. A scout
plot could be your immediate hunting area, a food plot, or the entire
piece of property you have permission to hunt on. Scout plots are saved
as part of a GPS Data File (with the *.usr suffix). This feature is espe-
cially useful on private lands, where property borders do not appear in
our mapping data. To start a new scouting session:
1. From the Map page, press
2. Use ↓ and ↑ to select the type of scouting session, then press
(The default is Big Game, which determines the set of waypoint sym-
bols available for the scouting session.)
Scout Plot menus
3. The Scout plot list appears. To begin recording, press ↓ to ACTIVE|ENT
to make the session Active, then repeatedly press EXIT to clear the
menus and return to the Map Page.
Scout Plot List