
To view POI information on the Chart page:
Select a POI on the Chart page with the cursor. A pop-up box will 1.
appear identifying the POI. Press the MENU key. The Chart menu
will appear.
Select Info from the Chart menu, press 2. ENTER. The Chart Info
screen will appear.
To view additional information about the POI, select 3. Details. The
Information screen will appear.
Chart POI information
To create a Route from the Chart page:
Press the 1. MENU key and select New Route from the Chart menu.
Press ENTER.
Follow the on screen instructions.2.
Press the 3. MENU key to open the Edit route menu. Select Save and
press ENTER. The route will be saved to the Routes screen.
From the Routes screen highlight the route and select 4. Start. The
Start Route message box will appear, select either Forward or