This example shows the Pop-up Help message for the Screen com-
mand, located on the Main Menu.
Power Saving
iFINDER contains a battery capacity indicator, and will also flash low
battery warning messages when battery power declines to a certain
level. When plugged into the DC cigarette lighter adapter, the power
indicator displays the "External Power" message. This message some-
times appears for a few minutes when using fresh batteries.
The battery capacity shown in the Power box on the Music Mode display.
The power save feature conserves battery power by changing the posi-
tion update rate. We recommend you test the power save feature in
known surroundings and determine its capabilities before venturing
into unknown territory. Experiment with modest settings, such as 1
second update (300 ms) or 1 second update (200 ms) and see if accuracy
is adequate for you.
Full power settings will always give you the best, most accurate
performance with iFINDER. Power save functions can extend bat-
tery life, but aggressive power saving settings can reduce GPS ac-
curacy, particularly in demanding situations when signal availabil-
ity is less than ideal. It is up to you to decide if position accuracy or
battery consumption is the most important consideration for a par-
ticular navigation situation.
In potentially risky navigation situations, we suggest you consider the
standard operating procedure of professional cave explorers, who never
enter an undeveloped cave with fewer than three sources of light (a
main light and two backups.) Even if you do carry a couple of spare sets
offered by www.Busse-Yachtshop.de email: info@busse-yachtshop.de Tel: +49 (0)4347 908234