Category Selection menu (left) and list of the nearest restaurants (right).
4. Select the nearest restaurant highlighted at the top and press ENT.
5. The POI information screen appears. This is how you can use the
unit as a business phone directory! If you wanted to navigate there, you
press ENT, since the GO TO WAYPOINT command is highlighted. But
we just want to see it on the map, so press
POI information screen on the nearest fast food restaurant, showing
name, street address, phone number, latitude/longitude distance and
compass bearing. The Go To command is selected (left). The figure on
the right has the Find On Map command highlighted.
6. The unit's map appears, with the cross-hair cursor highlighting the
restaurant's POI symbol. A pop-up name box identifies the POI, as well
as its distance and bearing. A data box at the bottom of the screen
continues to display the location's latitude and longitude.