Section 9:
The background map loaded in your unit lets you search for high-
ways and arterial streets in the U.S., as well as land features, in-
cluding cities and lakes. For a complete description of what detail is
found in the background map, see page 81.
The unit's search functions all begin with either the Find Waypoint
menu or the Map Page menu. Press
WPT and the Find Waypoint menu
appears for waypoints and land features. From the Map Page, press
MENU and the Map Page menu appears for streets and intersections.
Find Waypoint menu, left and Map Page menu, right.
You can search for items even if the unit hasn't acquired a position
yet, or start from a position other than your own. When you do a
search, distance and bearing to the selected item will be calculated
from the unit's current position. If the unit hasn't acquired a posi-
tion, it will use the last known position. If the cursor is active, the
unit will always begin the search at the cursor. You can look up
items by name, or search for the item nearest to you.
Find Any Item Selected by Map Cursor
On the Map Page: with a map feature selected by the cursor press WPT.
To return to the previous page, press