Epoxy transducer to hull.
Place the transducer into the epoxy, twisting and turning it to force
any air bubbles out from under the transducer face. The face of the
transducer should be parallel with the hull, with a minimum amount
of epoxy between the hull and transducer. After the epoxy dries, re-
member to fill in the area around the transducer with more epoxy
and route the cable to the sonar unit.
Speed/Temperature Sensors
The X67C can accept as many as two temperature sensors, which can be
used to monitor the temperature of surface water, a live well or some
other location. These units can accept an optional speed sensor for show-
ing speed and distance traveled. However, you can only use one accessory
at a time. If you would like to use a speed sensor and a secondary tem-
perature sensor at the same time, you will need a combination device.
If a second temp sensor is used, it must be the model TS-2U. This
model has a fixed electronic "address" which designates it as the
second of two temp sensors.
Spread epoxy here
Sand this surface