The Pages menu allows you to display a full sonar chart or a Flash-
Graf. The FlashGraf is a split screen that displays the sonar chart on
the left side of the screen with a flasher on the right.
Pages menu with Sonar Chart selected (left). FlashGraf (right).
The FlashGraf uses the grayline feature to show weaker targets in
light shades of gray. Stronger targets are displayed in dark shades of
gray. The bottom depth is shown as a black bar across the outer circle.
Full Chart
The unit's default page, Full Chart shows all echoes scrolling across the
full screen. The bottom signal scrolls across the screen from right to
left. The line at the top of the screen represents the surface. The bottom
depth — determined by the digital sonar — can be displayed in the up-
per left corner of the screen.
If the transducer with a built-in temperature sensor is connected, a
digital display for water temperature also will be shown. This tempera-
ture display can be turned on and off.