Octel Unified Messenger Concepts & Planning Guide
1-2 101-1620-005
Today e-mail, voice mail, and fax are established as strategic, enabling
technologies at companies large and small. As a result, people are
receiving both a larger volume and more types of messages than ever
However, each kind of message typically requires its own access medium
(telephone, personal computer, or fax device) and support structure
(capital equipment, management tools, and service procedures). The task
of retrieving, prioritizing, and storing messages can be inconvenient,
complex, and time-consuming, even though messaging should enhance
and streamline the communications process.
To make this task easier, Octel Unified Messenger provides the following
n Messaging convenience
Octel Unified Messenger enables everyone to view, listen to,
send, store, and retrieve all their messages from one mailbox (the
“unified mailbox”) with whatever access tool is the most
convenient at any particular time: telephone, desktop computer,
portable computer, or fax device.
n Simplified messaging management
With Octel Unified Messenger, organizations can simplify
communications administration, maintain accurate messaging
directories, and reduce communication costs.
n Interoperability
Utilizing OctelNet, Octel Unified Messenger systems
interoperate with other Lucent Technologies Octel Messaging
Division (OMD) voice messaging systems. This means that
subscribers can exchange voice messages with users on other
Octel messaging servers that support OctelNet.