Voice Messaging System
Planning Forms
This appendix contains the voice messaging system forms. We suggest you fill
in a photocopy of the form you need, leaving the blank original in the book, in
case you need to make revisions in the future. These forms must be completed
before the voice mail system is installed because they serve as a reference for
the person who installs and programs the system.
It is important to keep an accurate, up-to-date record of the programming for
the voice mail system. If you change the system after installation, you should
update the forms that were used when the system was installed.
Before you begin to fill out the voice mail system Planning Forms, you
need a complete, current copy of the communications system Planning
Forms. Samples of these forms are contained in Appendix E.
For a general description of all the Planning Forms, see Chapter 3. Instructions
for completing each form are contained on the form itself.