
Alcatel-Lucent 1850 TSS-3 Transport Service Switch4
Multiple Applications
Potential applications for the 1850 TSS-3 include:
In Figure 1, the 1850 TSS-3 is in the Ethernet-
demarcation role, with the demarcation point
shown as a dotted line, representing the point
where a single stream of traffic crosses from
the customer-owned equipment to the service-
provider-owned customer premises equipment
(CPE). At the demarcation point, the 1850 TSS-3
accepts a single traffic stream on the customer
side and transports this traffic to one or more
network elements in a carrier Ethernet network.
This application offers fault diagnostics and
monitoring, traffic rate limiting and virtual
LAN (VLAN) stacking (capability of offering
multiple, discrete VLANs over a single connection).
Carrier Ethernet
(Ethernet or MSPP
or WDM-based)
Demarcation Demarcation
1850 TSS-3 1850 TSS-3
WDM – Wavelength Division Multiplexing
MSPP – Multiservice Provisioning Platform
Figure 1. Ethernet Demarcation
In Figure 2, the 1850 TSS-3 is in an Ethernet service-aggregation configuration, in this case acting
as a carrier-class Ethernet switch, accepting multiple inputs from the customer side and aggregat-
ing them for onward transmission on the network side. Network-side redundancy can be provided
by Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol or Ethernet dual homing, two methods for providing automatic
backup paths.
Figure 2. Ethernet Service Aggregation
Metro Ethernet
(Ethernet or MSPP
or CWDM-based)
Demarcation Demarcation
1850 TSS-3 1850 TSS-3
CWDM – Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing